Timing is Everything!
No matter what type of fundraiser you're planning, following these 3 simple guidelines will ensure your event runs as smoothly as possible!
️ Cocktail Hour/Social Hour = Straggler Hour. Give folks time to get in and get settled before officially starting the night's activities. You want attendees to be in a relaxed, fun mood when the fun kicks off! We recommend no shorter than 60 minutes from doors opening to getting down to business!
️ Cocktail Hour/ Social Hour, Continued: If you're raising money for a school or other organization where many families have children, consider having a longer straggler hour...'cause we all know it's rough to get out the door when you've got kiddos! Give parents a chance to get out of "mom and dad" mode and into "fun mode!"
️ Serving Dinner? Make sure everyone is finished eating by the time the pianos (or your main event) start. You want people to be able to give their full attention to the task at hand.
️ About Announcements: Save announcing auction and raffle winners until closer to the end of the night. Not only will people stay longer, they'll also have more time to bid and/or purchase raffle tickets...which in turn makes your organization more money!
Looking for even more fundraiser event timeline help? Shoot us a message - we're here to help!